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2008-6-3 22:56 Joseph.~Ngai
City University of Hong Kong Students' Union Band Society presents :
盛夏搖滾 summer blaze band show


日期 / Date : 8th June, 2008 (Sunday)
時間 / Time : 7:00pm - 11:00pm
地點 / Venue : Multi-purpose Room ABC, City University of Hong Kong
( 香港城市大學 多用途活動 ABC 室 )

Bands :
TOOKOO (from 北京 Beijing Emo) - [url]http://www.myspace.com/tookoo[/url]
TOOKOO,一個響亮的名字,一支時髦的樂隊,一個不斷改變創新的團體。他們經歷過4次迷笛音樂節,5次全國巡演,1次東南亞巡演,以及LifeShow香港,Rock-It香港,BayBeats新加坡,Laundry Volume馬來西亞等大型音樂節,身經百戰擁躉無數!

NONAME (from 西安 Xi'an Punk) - [url]http://www.myspace.com/thenonamechina[/url]
2007 年,NONAME作為一支朋克新勢力迅速崛起。
5月,作為中國第一支Old School朋克樂團簽約國內著名廠牌“摩登天空”。
7月,樂團首張專輯《SICK AND TIRED…》在歐美髮行並引發不小的震動。
單曲《No Time To Think》一舉登上法國獨立電台排行榜第二名,專輯其他幾首單曲《TVS》、《Under The Flag》等也在德國排行榜持續流行。
專輯獨創史上第一首用文言文與英文結合做詞,融入中國傳統樂器演奏,並配以純正朋克搖滾曲風的歌曲《Chaos ChangAn》—長安亂。
各大酒吧和Live現場, NONAME一直給樂迷們帶來驚喜。
新的樂手的加入,以及古箏演奏家張威(布衣和冷血動物)的合作等,讓NONAME的音樂不斷增添新的元素,並著力表現雍容華麗的高貴氣質,樂團的表現更加大氣磅礴,在原有Old School朋克曲風基礎上,引發並開拓出中國又一搖滾新風格之路---華麗朋克搖滾樂。

False Alarm - [url]http://www.myspace.com/falsealarmhk[/url]
False alarm始自1999年,香港5x100男子肢體接力組合,生女又生男,愛女又愛男,以野獸本能般的直覺及類近反社會中年男子一樣的生心理衝動,去解決大部份生活問題,並於閒時才生產噪音。各人持續家貧,縱然曾經遠征南洋,然而過往的大碟持續滯銷,故唯有持續吃喝拉睡。其支持者均愛在陰影下生存,以沉默暗啞微弱的方式向false alarm各人表達遠方的愛意,使其賴以存活。
false alarm site : [url]http://falsealarm.hk[/url]
false alarm @ facebook : [url]http://www.facebook.com/pages/False-Alarm/23456661920[/url]

THE LOVESONG - [url]http://www.myspace.com/thelovesong[/url]
THE LOVESONG started in 1999 as personal side project by Ben Tse.
At the time he was unable to find any permanent members, so he enlisted the help of some old friends for the occasional show, including Whence He Came guitarist Ephraim Bano.
Without a solid line up, Ben decided to focus his time on his band Uncle Joe instead, but still writing material for THE LOVESONG on the side.
Musically, The Lovesong blend elements of punk rock, hardcore, soul and noise with an inventively syncopated rhythm section often steeped in dub or reggae influence.
Following in the footsteps of the American hardcore tradition, that band draws favorable comparisons to Fugazi, Cursive, The Dismemberment Plan.
Notable is Ben and Ephraim’s inventive, interlocking guitar playing, which often defies the traditional notion of ‘lead’ and ‘rhythm’ guitars, often featuring unusual and dissonant chords and progressions.

Maniac - [url]http://www.myspace.com/maniachk[/url]
"Reveal your forgotten nature" is representing Hong Kong five-piece Maniac's inspiring metal sound and the way they challenge their audiences with captivating sets. Since 2004, the style of Maniac has become heavier as the band was reformed. Mainly influenced by melodic death, metalcore and trash metal bands, their heavy guitar riffs and loud beats will leave you in awe.
(Vocals) Jason, (Lead Guitar) Kit, (Guitar/Vocals) Randy, (Bass) Mo, (Drum) Chung

The Yours - [url]http://www.myspace.com/theyours[/url]
Bursting into the Hong Kong indie music scene in 2005, The Yours have quickly established themselves with a reputation for their stunning live performances. Variously described as a mixture of post-punk and shoegazing, their music is punctuated by walls of fuzzed out guitar riffs and a steady, almost drum-machine like rhythm section. In 2006 HK Rockit music festival they released their debut album, Abraham. Their title track "Missed Call" is also included on Northern St ar Records' (UK) Compilation <Psychedelica Volume 2>. Now The Yours are peparing their 2nd album.

The Yours are:
Jack—vocals and guitar

Senseless - [url]http://www.myspace.com/hksenseless[/url]
Hi, to whom it may concern,
We are senseless. We are regret to tell you that we have just few shows since the founded year 2001. Besides, most of our shows previously have no big hands and even located in construction area. This time is our new breakthrough, playing our songs to whom it may really concern.


票價 / Ticket Price :
$60 CityU band soc members 會員 @ CityU only ( Please show your valid member card )
$70 Advanced 預售
$80 Walk-in 即場

售票地點 / Tickets Outlet :
Advanced tickets are now available in Zoo Records !
預售門票 現已於Zoo Records 有售 !
Zoo Records - Shop B31 , Sino Center, 582-592 Nathan Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon
( 旺角 信和中心 地庫 B31 鋪 )
Tel : 3188 2303

數量有限,欲購從速。感謝大家支持 !

查詢及留票 / Enquiries & Booking : 6532 0291 - purple

Email : [email]bandsoc13@gmail.com[/email]
more info at : [url]http://www.cityubandsoc.com[/url]

***** Everyone can join this event even you're not students of cityu.******

Thanks for your support and hope to see you there!

2008-6-3 23:00 Joseph.~Ngai
push push push

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